Season 3
The third season of Friends aired from September 16, 1996 to May 15, 1997.
01 - The One With The Princess Leia Fantasy
Rachel wears a Popeye and Olive Oil t-shirt.
The Office S07E06 - Costume Contest
Jim and Pam wear a Popeye and Olive Oil costume for Halloween.
My hero!
03 - The One With The Jam
Phoebe calls his stalker J-crew guy.
The Office S06E01 - Gossip
Michael spreads a gossip that one of his employees is a J-crew model.
Monica suddenly has the idea of having a baby after his "jam plan".
The Office S03E02 - The Convention
Michael, inspired by Angelina Jolie, questions Pam about adopting a baby.
Chandler and Ross talk about space issues at sleeping time.
Freedom! Except for this arm.
The Office S04E01 - Fun Run and S04E13 - Dinner Party
Jan has space issues, and makes Michael sleeps on a pretty narrow side bed.
Jan has some space issues, so I curl up on that puppy.
05 - The One With Frank Jr.
Monica tells Phoebe about how she and Ross played the shadow game when they were kids.
The Office S05E20 - New Boss
Michael, in his anger, do the shadow game with Charles Miner, his new boss.
07 - The One With The Race Car Bed
Gunther shows that he has a crush on Rachel.
The Office S03E02 - The Convention and developed throughout the series
Toby has a crush on Pam.
12 - The One With All The Jealousy
Joey is supposed to perform a dance in a play that ends with Jazz Hands.
The Office S07E24 - Dwight K. Schrute, (Acting) Manager
Jim blackmails Dwight to do Jazz hands to Jo every time he coughs.
Every time his in a difficult situation, Joey runs.
The Office S04E18-19 - Goodbye, Toby and S08E24 - Free Family Portrait Studio
Every time his in a difficult situation, Mose runs.
20 - The One With The Dollhouse
Joana treats Sophie poorly.
The Office Throughout the series
Michael treats Toby even more poorly.
NOOOO! GOD! No, God, please no! No! No! NOOO!
Classic scene from S05E09 - Frame Toby.